Thursday, June 24, 2010

Crazy Airplant/Bromeliad/Orchid Jungle Tree

This is a big umbrella tree that we have been adding to, and it is coming out awesome. It has dozens of varieties of tillandsia airplants, 3 bromeliads, 1 dendrobium orchid, 2 zig zag cactus, spanish moss, etc. Under and around it is a variegated monstera, variegated pothos, ferns, calico vine. I am having fun adding stuff to it, and I am starting another tree as well.

Silk Floss Tree and Lilies

Here is my lovely silk floss tree doing very well, bought it as a cutting at a plant sale. It's a cool tree, covered in spikes and will eventually have beautiful flowers. Underneath it, I planted some generic pink tiger lily bulbs from walmart, as well as freesia and amaryllis bulbs, and lots of wandering jew.

Variegated Colocasia Mojito

A close-up of the amazing pattern on the colocasia mojito, it looks like it was printed or something, reminds me of a bunch of cells under a microscope. Seems to be a slow growing plant, and wilts fast on hot days without water.

Variegated Cactus

Here is some type of variegated cactus, variety unknown.

Unknown paddle cactus in the background, I have lots of extra paddles of those for sale.

Variegated Aloe Vera

This is my favorite aloe, the aloe nobilis variegata. It seems to be a very slow grower, as it hasn't grown much in size or made any new pups that the few it has. It seems to be cold hardy, didn't sustain any damage this winter despite being left in the ground. I want to eventually have some pups for sale but it grows so slow I wonder if I'll ever have any extra.

Double Purple Datura

This started out as a scraggely stick, and after the winter the plant tripled in size and now has huge leaves and is almost constantly in bloom. The double/triple flowers are huge and gorgeous.

I usually always have seeds and seedlings and small plants available for sale of these. :)

Some of my orchids

Thought I'd snap some photos of these before they went out of bloom. One is a paphopedilum or lady slipper orchid I purchased at the redlands orchid festival. The one above it is just a phalenopsis.

Variegated Screw Pine

One of our latest acquisitions, a lovely variegated screwpine, stolen from the neighbor's yard after they moved out. haha!

Variegated Sea Grape

Here is one of my pride and joys, my rare variegated sea grape. It is still pretty small at this point. We are thinking about cutting off the non-variegated parts, someone told us that is good to do.

Variegated Rubber Tree

My rule is, if it comes in a variegated form, I'll buy it! Here is one of our variegated rubber plants. Bought one on ebay and 2 at Target, believe it or not. The variegation is lovely, I love that tri-color camoflauge look.

Variegated St. Augustine Grass!

In our quest to obtain every variegated plant possible, when we came across this we flipped out. It's variegated grass! Our yard is currently st. augustine grass, so at some point we are going to attempt to replace the entire back yard with variegated grass. Should be interesting! I'm going to sell some on ebay also.

Variegated Ginger

This is some type of variegated ginger, purchased from the ginger guy at the plant sale at mount's botanical garden... isn't the contrast lovely? I will try to find out the name of it.

Variegated Pink Lemon

Variegated pink lemon tree purchased from home depot... it's been flowering! The new leaves are huge compared to the old ones, I think it's much happier here than in a pot at home depot.

My First Pineapple!

My first pineapple! Several years ago in college, I cut the tops off some store-bought pineapples and planted them. Rather large bromeliads resulted, but no fruit.
This winter we had one of the coldest winters in south Florida, and 2 of my pineapple plants fruited shortly after! Not only that, they are making lots of pups also.

Unfortunately, the bottom of the pineapple had lots of ants and gross scaly-looking flat furry bugs. I brought it in and scrubbed the bottom with boiling hot water but now I am afraid to eat it.

Red Shield Hibiscus

This apparently is some type of weird annual red hibiscus. We didn't plant it. They pop up all over our yard, occasionally bloom a pretty flower, and then disappear.

Yucca and a Gerber Daisy

Here is some yucca... it is a cool plant because you can break off pieces and they root. We like fried yucca so eventually we will dig up the roots and replant the stalks. The gerber daisy is from home depot, it flowers occasionally.

Soursop Guanabana Fruit Tree

Our soursop tree has some fruit! I thought this was a nice photo. All of our fruit trees were pretty damaged from the unsually cold winter we had this year so I am happy they are all recovering.

Avocado Tree from Home Depot

Here is a store-bought avocado tree from home depot... we have
many growing from seed, but we wanted fruit faster. This one has doubled in size since we got it. It put out a ton of fruit, but they all fell off except for 2 :(

Trip to AOS American Orchid Society

Here are some photos from my trip to the American Orchid Society... I don't know what happened to the rest of my photos. I will have to go again and take more! The thing above is some sort of rock and woodwork with bromeliads, tillandsias, and orchids mounted all over it. The orchids are mainly in pots, however, which I thought was neat. I am going to attempt to make something like this at some point.

Below are some cute epinendrums and some sort of weird vining orchid that I cannot find the name of. It his skinny, cactus-like segmented stalks. They are all over the place at AOS and are never labeled.

Below is a plant that drove me crazy. I loved it, but there was no label and no one that worked there could tell me what it was. I gave up on trying to find out what it was, and then one day I went on ebay and it was right smack in the middle of ebay's suggestions for me. Behold, the leopard lily, or leopard iris, or blackberry lily:

I need to take more photos the next time I go there. They had a lot of really cool stuff I wanted.